Concrete form Snap ties are basically tension members. They are designed to resist the lateral pressure of fresh concrete on vertical forms. When properly fitted with cones or other they hold the wall forms at the proper distance to create the desired concrete wall thickness. The cones allow the snap tie to be broken off inside the concrete for surface patching.
1. Drill holes in plywood 1/8in. larger than the snap tie head (usually 5/8in. diameter drill bit will be required
2. Place the ends of snap ties through the holes in the plywood
3. Place the bracket (Omni wedge) on the tie
4. The proper tie head position is at the midpoint or higher of the Omni wedge slot. Correct spacing
between double wales is 5/8in. to 3/4in.
5. Omni Wedge bracket is utilized to hold a single wale andcan be installed before or after the wales have beenpositioned