ITW Redhead A7+ Acrylic Epoxy Adhesive- 28 oz Tube

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Item #: A7-PLUS-28
Availability: Stock
Usually ships In 2-5 Business Days
  • Qualified for use in concrete, grout-filled and hollow block, brick, and clay tile
  • ICC-ES approved for cracked concrete and seismic conditions (ICC-ES ESR-3903)
  • ICC-ES approved for grout-filled masonry (ICC-ES ESR-3951)
  • Cures in only 45 minutes (at base temperature of 70F/21C)
  • No extra time required for drying saturated concrete or water-filled holes
  • Easy pumping even in cold temperatures
  • Low odor—suitable for use indoors and in occupied buildings
  • Optimum viscosity simplifies use in overhead and horizontal holes
  • 18-month storage life minimizes waste and risk of using expired product
  • Rugged, re-sealable cartridge resists breakage due to rough handling or cold temperatures
Price: $156.00

    Red Head A7+ is a High-strength, fast-cure adhesive that is designed to securely anchor threaded rod and rebar to cured concrete and masonry. A7+ is one of the most versatile anchoring solutions on the market, suitable for use in an extremely wide range of applications and environmental conditions.
    110°/43° 1.5 minutes 45 minutes
    90°/32° 2.5 minutes 45minutes
    70°/21° 5 minutes 45 minutes
    50°/10° 16 minutes 90minutes
    32°/0° 35 minutes 4hours
    14°/-10° 35 minutes 24 hours