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Plastic Column Forms  24 inch diameter x 96 inch length

Deslauriers PCF2496 Plastic Column Forms 24 inch dia. x 96 inch length

Price: $640.00

Plastic Column Forms  16 inch diameter x 96 inch length

Deslauriers PCF1696 Plastic Column Forms 16 inch dia. x 96 inch length

Price: $515.00

Item #: DES-PCF2096
Availability: Stock
Usually ships In 2-5 Business Days
  • Available 12in. -30in. diameters
  • Cost includes 50 sets of coil bolts & Coil Nuts
  • Lightweight- easy to transport on a jobsite
  • Reusable
  • Stackable
  • Easily Cut to a shorter length as needed
  • Waterproof/ Rust Proof
  • Cost Effective
  • Saves Time, Money and Labor
  • Smooth Surface
  • U.V. Resistant
  • No Spiral Marks
  • Prevents Binding & Sticking
  • US PATENT# 5,255,888 ; CANADIAN PATENT# 2,070,090
Price: $585.00


      When did Deslauriers decide to make the PCF? Actually, the PCF (Plastic Column Form) has been on the market since 1993. Thus, Deslauriers has several years of product history. The original PCF was limited to 1 foot high sections, but recent improvements in molding techniques has allowed the molding of an 8 foot high unit at greatly reduced costs.

      How high can I pour the PCF? The height is not the issue, but rather how fast should you pour. Deslauriers recommends a pour rate not to exceed 1200psf or an 8 foot liquid head at 70° F.Furthermore, standard practices limit concrete free fall to a max of 5 feet.

      How many reuses can I get? The actual number of reuses of the PCF is dependent upon various jobsite conditions. Higher liquid head, higher rates of pour, excess vibration, drilling of holes, and rough handling place greater stress on the form. These stresses and the severity of same can result in a detrimental effect upon the reusable life of the form.

      Why are there two sets of holes on the vertical flanges? There were several reasons for this concept. The inner 3 hole pattern allows for a tighter joint for higher pours (4 feet or more). Whereas, the outer 2 hole pattern is sufficient for shorter pours-thus saving on labor. The outer holes, along with the center vertical rib, allow for the attachment of bracing.

      Can I cut the Plastic Column Form to a custom size? The Plastic Column Forms can be cut between the double flange at the 4 foot level with a hand saw or a Sawzall and still be utilized back to the 8 foot level. These forms are marked at one foot intervals and can be cut anywhere; however once they are cut other than the 4 foot double flange; they cannot be utilized back to an 8 footer.

      Can the Plastic Column Forms be used for a bull-nosed application? No. The pressure exerted by the length in conjunction with rest of the form could cause blow-out to occur. Deslauriers recommends using a steel column form for this purpose.

      How do you brace the PCF? Basically the same as a fiber tube, use a template at the bottom and plumb with a wood 2 x 4 or turnbuckle.

      When can you tell if the form is approaching its usable limit? Good indicators are enlargement of bolt holes, any cracks or splits on form body or ribs and any noticeable separation of vertical flanges during a pour. It is important to inspect form for any damage or cracks prior to each use. If unsure, do not use.

      Are the horizontal ribs strong enough to use as a ladder? No. The ribs are not designed for this type of point loading. Further, standard safety regulations prohibit this activity. Always use proper ladders as specified by OSHA, ANSI, etc.

      Does sunlight affect the forms? As with any plastic, long term ultraviolet light exposure breaks down plastic properties. Even with UV inhibitors, this process is merely slowed. Thus, if you expect to store the PCF for a long period of time, placement in the shade, or better yet, covered will protect the plastic from damaging UV.

      How's the best way to clean? First, a light coat of form release will help prevent concrete buildup. To clean, we suggest muriatic acid or light power wash.

      Can power tools be used to tighten bolts? Sure, but carefully. Over-tightening the bolts can cause the bolt head or nut to dig into the flange creating a possible weak spot. When possible hand tighten or use a washer as a backup.

      How do you attach the PCF to a fibre tube? The simplest method is to cut a 3in. to 4in. section of horizontal flange from the PCF. Use this unit to clamp onto the top of a tube. Bolt a section of PCF to this in.clampin. and you have a unit that can be used over and over to secure a PCF to a tube.

      Can attachments be nailed to a PCF or should you first drill a pilot hole? The form may develop a split if attempting just nail, thus drilling is recommended.

      What about using an external vibrator on the PCF? No, this could damage the form. Additionally, care should be taken when using an internal vibrator so that it does not to come in contact with the sides of the form.